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Im Bau: bmw 8


Mittwoch, 14. Februar 2007, 20:44

bmw 8

i haven't enough boxes with new kits on my shelfs :lol: :lol: :lol: so i decide to restore some old and batters kits.

these beauty, for example, was bought from ebay

it was catastroficaly done, and aslso without wheels and some minor parts

look how was done rear suspension

and this is already repared front suspension, before it was in 3 pieces


Freitag, 16. Februar 2007, 23:12

w hen suspensin was more or less repaired , it comes time to think how to make wheels. I decide to use fujimi wheels and brakes.

first i made holes in front suspension:

then i try wheels, which come too much out, so some surgery on disk suports were needed:

on rear part i have glued brakes directly on what left from original supports, and then pushed through axle

after that i made hole through diferential, so that it can work as support also

and then it comes time to check how everything looks with wheels

brake disks ready and everything painted


Dienstag, 20. Februar 2007, 10:40

chassis and suspension ready and glued together, this is test how evrything goes together:

engine painted and glued to chassis:

Now, when BMW is on his wheels, is time to think how to proced. I already decide, because of missing original wheels, that i will built imaginary BMW M8, so I need to modifie front bumper.
This is how i start:

this was my first approach to bodybuilding, so....


Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2007, 21:50

front part almost ready, will neded some minor repairs

rear part will also looks little larger after this work

bodywork done



Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2007, 22:13

Great work so far, especially the color :ok:

It seems to be that the previous owner was a bit overextended with the kit,
great thing to give it a "second life" :smilie:

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Mavk« (21. Februar 2007, 22:14)


Montag, 5. März 2007, 06:42

Hi Borut..

Great bodywork and paintjob.. :ok:

This is one of my favorite cars..

Waiting for more pictures.
Gruß ThomaS :kaffee:


Montag, 12. März 2007, 22:23

hi, well, even with two week old daughter, it is possible to find some time to modeling ;) ;)
this is how it looks inside before operation

new carpet, but as it isn't in right colour:

i put some dark grey sprey in,

this is how it looks after some work, i'm not realy satisfied, but considering how it was done before, its ok. i also have some problems with masking tape, so.......

and some testing , i saw that colour is not uniform, but i should live with that :motz:

tako, to je za danes vse


Montag, 12. März 2007, 22:51


very great bodywork !



Dienstag, 13. März 2007, 00:41

Hallo Borut :wink:

BMW are not my favorite cars. :D

But your work makes it looking very fine. :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:

Gerd :wink:
:verrückt: Gefährlich ist`s den Leu zu wecken, vergänglich ist des Tiger`s Zahn.
Doch der schrecklichste aller Schrecken ist der Modellbauer in seinem Wahn
Im Bau: Immer noch Mehrere :nixweis:


Sonntag, 25. März 2007, 12:09

thanks for comments, and now i need help from all you, i need decals for this model, or better say, can someone scan decal sheet for me, please?


Sonntag, 25. März 2007, 13:13


Your BMW looks amasing! :respekt:
Grüße aus Berlin



Sonntag, 25. März 2007, 13:32

RE: bmw 8

HI Borut,

great idea to make a M8 out of it and very good Bodywork you´ve done to it too. :ok: :ok: :ok:
The colour looks excellent.
Can´t wait to see more.
Sorry I didn´t have this car in my collection, so I can´t get you the decals.

"Don´t be scared, it´s only smoke and mirrors - except the Daleks, they´re real !" Dr WHO


Dienstag, 3. April 2007, 18:19

something was done, not too much, time is always problem

this is how it looks trunk before operation:

between work

and final result


Donnerstag, 26. April 2007, 18:58

It is more or less finished, because what is missing, it wasn't in box, ie front and rear lights, i still checking ebay for this parts.


Freitag, 27. April 2007, 00:48

Hi Borut,

:respekt: of this great work.
The BMW looks fantastic.
I'll hope, you will find the missing parts to complete the model.

:respekt: :dafür:
Gruß ThomaS :kaffee:
