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Samstag, 24. März 2012, 06:09

American Posting

Hello All!

I speak no German, so this is difficult for me. I have also registered under a different user name years ago, but since I have changed my email address, I have no idea how to retrieve it. The is doubly difficult due to my lack of mastery of the German language. Any way, I am looking for the individual that offered the Transcraft Trailer kit sometime ago. I wish to purchase the kit. If he no longer offers it, will he offer something newer.


Charles Mitchell

Atlanta, Georgia





Samstag, 24. März 2012, 09:15

Hi Charles,

shouldn't be a real problem to get your request answered, even in english....

The kit you are looking for was a limited edition only, consisting of CNC milled parts, with - as far as i know - 50 kits only... originally sold by Heinz Schwarz of "Modelltrucks & Parts" in Austria ( Heinz is member of this forum, here's the link to his user profile... you should contact him directly, maybe he's able to help you...

As far as i know, the newer kits he offered, had been related more to European area... but since a few months he's offering a new one from your area: a B-train logger kit consisting of 1000+ CNC milled parts and rims of turned alloy... produced only on request... here's a build of it...

Best regards,



Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 05:09

Thanks for the reply. The Transcraft trailer made it to America. i know of several people that have it on these shores. Too bad it hasn't been offered again. The log trailer you mentioned appears to be more of the Australian type. I haven't seen that configuration in North America (Canada, USA, Mexico). I will email Heinz . Thanks again.




Sonntag, 25. März 2012, 11:02

Hi Charles,

the log trailer is a Peerless... can't be THAT unusual at least in Canada, as I've pictured several of these last year during my trip on TransCanadian Highway #1... the three pics have been made within 30 minutes, a few miles east of Kelowna, BC... and that with was less traffic than expected/hoped to have...

Best regards,


Montag, 26. März 2012, 05:47

That configuration of logging trailer is not common in the Eastern United States. I live in the South Eastern United States where logging trucks are common, but not the extremely long variety you posted. Yes, that type is common in the North Western United States and western Canada.



Beiträge: 12 291

Realname: Marek H.

Wohnort: Bln-Friedrichsfelde

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 26. März 2012, 08:41


da mein englisch nicht das Beste ist, möchte ich Euch darauf hinweisen als Forensprache DEUTSCH zu wählen.
Ein Übersetzungsprogramm zu nutzen dürfte für Jeden machbar sein.
Wenn ich in einem englisch-sprachigem Forum unterwegs bin kann ich auch nicht erwarten,
das sich die User meine Texte übersetzen, das muß ich dann schon machen!


because my English is not the best, I'd like to point out as a forum to choose GERMAN language.
A translation program would be feasible to use for everyone.
If I'm traveling in an English speaking forum I can not expect
the user must translate the texts mean that I will do it!


Montag, 26. März 2012, 21:14

Ihr Englisch ist besser als mein Deutscher. Sie sind korrekt. Ich entschuldige mich für jede mögliche Unannehmlichkeit.

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